The Three Ways That Information Emerges In The Universe
- Order Out Of Chaos [Information Structures]
- Ilya Prigogine won a Nobel prize for dissipative processes far from equilibrium that produce information structures, like Bénard convection cells.
He called it "order out of chaos."
- These "complex" systems have no internal information processing. They are "dumb" structures. They do exert a gross "downward causation" over their physical parts.
- Order Out Of Order [Information Processors]
- Erwin Schrödinger showed that all life feeds on a stream of negative entropy from the sun. He called this "order out of order."
- Biological processes rearrange the information in the negative entropy to create and maintain themselves. They are "information-processing systems."
- Downward causation is extremely fine, meaning they can exert causal control over component atoms and molecules individually (to be demonstrated).
- Information Out Of Order [Abstract Information Itself]
- Mental processes create and store abstract information in the brain hardware
- At the neuron level, atoms and molecules are exquisitely controlled by neurobiology to enable nerve firings and to record information (to be shown).
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