Werner Loewenstein
Werner Loewenstein directed the Cell Physics Lab at Columbia and later the director of the Laboratory of Cell Communication at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
In his 2013 book
Physics of Mind he hoped to explain the brain not only as a computer but as a quantum computer (about which so little was/is known...
The neuronal web of our brain can operate in two computational modes: a quantum mode where quantum waves are the substrate, and a macroscopic mode where large packets of ions (the well-known electrical nerve signals) are the substrate. The first mode serves the function of parallel computation and the second that of integration and low-order polynomial computation.
I deliberately put the quantum mode first because it is more information economical and so likely to have been first on the bioevolutionary scene, well before the two modes became coextensive.
Physics of Mind, p.270
He also claims that evolution made a choice between electrons and photons...
Evolution's choice was conditioned by what was available in her earthly space and affordable informationwise. And available were two energy fields - a field of electron quanta and a field of photon quanta - and where and when the quanta matched, there was information to be had for free,
Physics of Mind, p.269
Loewenstein's 2013 book
Physics in Mind is less controversial than his 1999 classic
The Touchstone of Life, which had a speculative interpretation of deterministic chaos. He wrote...
I originally intended to write a book about intercellular communication:— about how the cells in an organism exchange information among each other—a question I had worked on for the past thirty years. But as I got to the heart of it, which required me to track the spoor of intercellular information to its source, a picture materialized seemingly out of the blue: a continuous intra- and intercellular communication network where, with DNA at the core, molecular information flowed in gracefully interlaced circles. That apparition had an allure I could not resist, and so this became a book about information.
I was twice fortunate. First, the spectacular advances in molecular biology of the past three decades had paved the way for my information tracking; they had laid bare the cells’ macromolecular information core and were just beginning to break the seal of an information shell where molecular carriers, large and small, swarm all over the organismic map. Second, information theory, a thriving branch of mathematics and physics, allowed me to view this information flow in a new light.
I shall argue that this information flow, not energy per se, is the prime mover of life.
The Touchstone of Life, p.269
So far, so good about information, and the bok is full of excellent descriptions of information in biological systems. But then Loewenstein starts to claim there is a "fundamental randomness that is above thermodynamic equilibrium, a randomness encompassing a spectrum of information-containing states."
Once a system reaches maximum entropy, thermal equilibrium, there is no going higher, certainly no information in the system.
Let us summarize then what transpired about randomness from our discussion about chaos and information. Above thermodynamic equilibrium there are two kinds of randomness: one for the microscopic state at the quantum level, as embodied by the Heisenberg principle, and one for the macroscopic state at the
level of deterministic chaos. Either kind of randomness is fundamental: it admits
neither prediction nor retrodiction or, put in terms of Laplace’s metaphor though hardly the way he intended it to be), his demon is as helpless as we are.
There is another type of fundamental randomness, of course, the one prevailing at thermodynamic equilibrium. But this type is utterly run-down and, in a book on information, we are entitled to snub something that has sunk so low.
Now, what of the old polemic about determinism and chance, the dispute that has been going on in philosophical circles since the time of the ancient Greeks to the present. In the light of the new knowledge about randomness, that issue changes entirely the cut of its jib. For two thousand years it has been a polemic vehemently fought over two seemingly mutually exclusive alternatives. With the benefit of hindsight, we see now that there has been a crucial piece of information missing: the knowledge that there can be a fundamental randomness that is above thermodynamic equilibrium, a randomness encompassing a spectrum of information-containing states. Rather than two stark extreme alternatives, there is a whole gamut running from the random to the determinate, that is, from the absolutely unpredictable to the probabilistically predictable.
So the old polemic goes poof... How high above thermodynamic equilibrium is the system or how much information is in it? What matters then for evolution is how much of this information can be used for organization of energy and matter. And this takes us to the question of how to pull an organization out of randomness.
The Touchstone of Life, p.45
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